

The Deans’ Technology Council (DTC) is established in collaboration with the deans and vice chancellors as an advisory and advocacy group to coordinate IT strategy amongst participating units and advocate for campus-wide IT policies and practices that align with our shared strategic goals. The DTC is comprised of campus information technology experts who represent, as formal dean/vice chancellor appointees, the perspectives, academic priorities and business needs of their colleges, professional schools or administrative units. As the nexus between technology and academic/business need, the DTC is a critical partner with senior management and the campus CIO in the success and continuous improvement of the campus technology environment. To be successful, the DTC is empowered to have candid and material discussions of needs, priorities, projects, and opportunities relating to the advancement of academic priorities, business efficiencies, and institutional strategies.

Nominations to the DTC are solicited from the deans/vice chancellors each September. Membership is limited to one representative per dean/vice chancellor. Members serve a one-year term, renewable annually. The DTC operates under the leadership of two co-chairs who are nominated by the DTC members and elected by majority vote of the membership each November. The co-chairs receive staggered two-year appointments, with a review option at the end of the year, or earlier if circumstances require it. DTC members are expected to represent the interests of their organizations and to communicate the results of DTC deliberations back to those constituencies.

The co-chairs schedule and coordinate meetings, are responsible for setting the agenda, and are responsible for the content of the website, minutes, reports, and any other information distributed through the DTC. The DTCmeets monthly and holds discussions, as needed, with campus IT stakeholders.The charge to the DTC is as follows:

  • Engage in a healthy, positive exchange of ideas, opinions, projects and strategies with deans, assistant deans, vice chancellors, CAOs and the campus CIO to improve understanding, identification and action on the needs and priorities of campus.
  • Contribute to the collaborative development of a common vision and set of strategies for campus IT.
  • Foster, identify and communicate technical collaboration efforts, opportunities for collaboration and campus solutions to common needs.
  • Submit recommendations and opinions to the campus CIO and campus senior management on plans, new directions, proposed investments and new technologies in support of the UC Davis institutional priorities and strategies.
  • Advise, inform, educate and engage in efforts to increase understanding and knowledge about the opportunities and challenges of technology. Inform and prepare leadership in advance of technical discussions to enhance strategic decisions and outcomes.
  • Collaborate with leadership to identify college/professional school/administrative unit critical issues and priorities, develop an annual strategic action plan, and provide leadership with periodic updates on the progress of strategic efforts